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Hide the Series Engine Logo

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Editor's Note:

Update! As of version 2.2 you can now hide the Series Engine branding on the backend. Head to Settings > Series Engine > Fonts & Colors > Scroll to bottom.

A quick look at this site lets you know I’m always feeling Series Engine. It’s an amazing plugin for your Sermon Library and I have very few qualms with it.

Now, many of you won’t have an issue with this, but it always bugs me. The Series Engine logo shows at the bottom of every Series Engine instance and (at least while I’m writing this) I can’t find a way in settings to turn it off.

The logo bugs me for a few reasons:

  1. I nitpick. 🙂 I like to be able to completely choose what is displayed on the front end of my website. I know this is a ‘little thing’ to a lot of you, but it’s important to me so I’m guessing it might be for a few of you.
  2. It’s a premium plugin. I don’t mind a free plugin showing a ‘powered by’ link, but if I pay for a premium plugin I like to make it as seamless as I can for my site users. I think that line of thinking should be built into premium plugins.
  3. I can’t put an affiliate link there. If I could add an affiliate link on the backend to it, I’d probably leave it just in case someone clicked it. That way in the off chance some church creative winds up on my sermon page and thinks ‘hmm, I could use that at my church’ I could make a bit of a commission. Which brings me to my last reason.
  4. It’s not relevant to my target audience. I would venture to say most people coming to my church’s sermon page don’t care about how we are powering our sermon library on the backend. That link isn’t relevant to them. That may be different if you’re a church with influence and a lot of outside website visitors or know in the ‘creative church world’ sphere, but for most churches that’s not the case.

What’s in this Session:

  • Where’ the logo: (:26)
  • Finding the Class using Inspector: (1:20)
  • Adding and Saving the CSS: (1:52)
  • Recommend adding CSS to your theme stylesheet: (2:30)

Tools Mentioned:

Code Needed:

/* Hides the Series Engine Logo */
.enmse-poweredby {
display: none;

Hey guys! I am a church leadership and creative guy living in the Atlanta area with my awesome wife and two kiddos. I've worked on staff with a number of churches as well as traveled full time as a conference speaker. Now, I work full time at The Reach Company helping ministries and businesses tell their story and make an impact online.

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  1. ericmurrell on September 11, 2018 at 8:13 AM

    We actually do have a hard-coded way of doing that built into the plugin 🙂 Head to Settings > Series Engine, click “Fonts and Colors” at the top, then scroll to one of the last options at the bottom of the page: “Powered by Logo.” Select “Hide Series Engine Brand Completely,” click save, and you’re good to go 🙂

    • Andrew on October 5, 2018 at 9:14 AM

      Sorry I missed that from a recent update Eric! I’ve had it on my docket before that update to make this vid. Shoulda checked the change logs before!

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