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Make Your Church Website Shine!

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set a home page in wordpress for church

[WP Basics] Set Your WordPress Home Page

By default WordPress sites are set to display the 'blog roll.' Considering WordPress started and mostly still is a place for blogs this makes since....
WP for Church header

Tips to an Effective Homepage

What you have above the fold (the area of your website's home page that people see before scrolling) is THE most important area on your...

Visual Composer as a Church Plugin

PLUGIN: Visual Composer   THEME IN VIDEO: Bridge Theme by QODE Visual Composer is without a doubt one of my favorite plugins, AND it is a...
how to update a themeforest theme

Easily Update a Themeforest Theme

So, when you get themes from Wordpress or MOJO and other theme developers, theme updates are relatively simple. You click appearance > themes and you...
Layerslider :: Church Plugin

LayerSlider Content Slider :: Church Plugins

This is part of our Wordpress Church Site Basics course where we have walked you through some of the basic things to get your site...
create a blog wp

Creating & Editing a Blog Post for Your Church Site

Even WP pros had to learn all the basics. That's what these video tutorials are for! We want to equip you with the basic tools...
create a page

Create and Edit a Page for Your Church Site

Whether you want to be a pro or just add the most simple content to your Wordpress church site you still gotta get the basics...